Dr. Giona Casiraghi

Senior Researcher

Research Interests

I work on two tighly connected topics. How to define and quantify resilience, in complex systems in general and in social organisations in particular. How to model complex systems from the data, to perform a data-driven study of their properties.

Resilience of Social Organisations

We aim at an understanding of how different online social organisations withstand and recover from internal and external shocks, and how such a resilience can be improved. To do, so we investigate how different resilience metrics can be computed from data. Our research is deeply rooted in data science and the data-driven modelling of complex systems. We use and develop new methodologies from network science, multivariate statistics, machine learning, and statistical physics.

Statistical Models for Network Data

To allow the study of complex dynamical systems such as social organisations, we need inferential models aimed at temporal and multi-edge network data. I am interested in the development of quantitative methods for the analysis of repeated interactions arising in social, economical, and political networks. A second line of research I follow focuses on modelling and understanding temporal correlation observed in temporal network data, such as distribution networks and communication networks.

ghypernet logo

Part of my work revolves around the generalised hypergeometric ensemble of random graphs, gHypEG for short. In its simplest form, gHypEG provides a model preserving vertices’ activities. Doing so, it maps the standard configuration model to an urn problem. Pairs of nodes are like balls in an urn. The more frequent are specific balls, the more likely are edges to be sampled. In its general form, edge probabilities are again defined by balls’ frequencies, but also by independent edge propensities estimated from data. The higher the propensity, the larger the ball, the easier it is to sample the edge. The main applications of gHypEG, are towards the inference of significant relations from observed interactions, and the analysis of complex networks by means of network regressions.

The R package ghypernet provides an Open Source implementation for R of a set of functions to work with gHypEG models.

GHYPERNET Tutorials and Material

The following links contain a collection of tutorials and material about the ghypernet R package.

Tutorial to network regression models: https://sg.ethz.ch/nrm-tutorial/

Companion git repository for the 2019 EUSN Workshop in Zurich: https://github.com/sg-dev/EUSN2019_r-ghypernet

Repository for the EuroCSS Tutorial “Introduction to Multi-edge Network Inference in R Using the Ghypernet-package”: https://github.com/sg-dev/EuroCSS2019_r-ghypernet

GitHub repository for ghypernet: https://github.com/gi0na/r-ghypernet

Manual and Vignettes of the R package: https://ghyper.net

Giona's most recent publications

Empirical Networks are Sparse: Enhancing Multi-Edge Models with Zero-Inflation

arXiv Preprint - 2024

Giona Casiraghi and Georges Andres

Disentangling the Timescales of a Complex System: A Bayesian Approach to Temporal Network Analysis

ArXiv Preprint - 2024

Giona Casiraghi and Georges Andres

Adapting to disruptions: Managing supply chain resilience through product rerouting

Science Advances - 2024

Ambra Amico, Luca Verginer, Giona Casiraghi, Giacomo Vaccario and Frank Schweitzer

Reconstructing signed relations from interaction data

Scientific Reports - 2023

Georges Andres, Giona Casiraghi, Giacomo Vaccario and Frank Schweitzer

Predicting variable-length paths in networked systems using multi-order generative models.

Applied Network Science - 2023

Christoph Gote, Giona Casiraghi, Frank Schweitzer and Ingo Scholtes

Spillover of Antisocial Behavior from Fringe Platforms: The Unintended Consequences of Community Banning

Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media - 2023

Giuseppe Russo, Luca Verginer, Manoel Horta Ribeiro and Giona Casiraghi

Understanding Online Migration Decisions Following the Banning of Radical Communities

Proceedings of the 15th ACM Web Science Conference 2023 - 2023

Giuseppe Russo, Manoel Horta Ribeiro, Giona Casiraghi and Luca Verginer

Locating Community Smells in Software Development Processes Using Higher-Order Network Centralities

Social Network Analysis and Mining - 2023

Christoph Gote, Vincenzo Perri, Christian Zingg, Giona Casiraghi, Carsten Arzig, Alexander von Gernler, Frank Schweitzer and Ingo Scholtes

Modeling social resilience: Questions, answers, open problems

Advances in Complex Systems - 2022

Frank Schweitzer, Georges Andres, Giona Casiraghi, Christoph Gote, Ramona Roller, Ingo Scholtes, Giacomo Vaccario and Christian Zingg

Struggling with change: The fragile resilience of collectives

Perspectives on Psychological Science - 2022

Frank Schweitzer, Christian Zingg and Giona Casiraghi

Comparing Online and Offline Political Support

Swiss Political Science Review - 2022

Laurence Brandenberger, Giona Casiraghi, Georges Andres, Simon Schweighofer and Frank Schweitzer

The downside of heterogeneity: How established relations counteract systemic adaptivity in tasks assignments

Entropy, 23(12), 1677 - 2021

Giona Casiraghi, Christian Zingg and Frank Schweitzer

Configuration models as an urn problem

Scientific Reports 11, 13416 - 2021

Giona Casiraghi and Vahan Nanumyan

The likelihood-ratio test for multi-edge network models

J. Phys. Complex. 2 035012 - 2021

Giona Casiraghi

Fragile, Yet Resilient: Adaptive Decline in a Collaboration Network of Firms

Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics - 2021

Frank Schweitzer, Giona Casiraghi, Mario V. Tomasello and David Garcia

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