Social software engineering
Social software engineering allows us to study the structure and dynamics of socio-technical systems. On the one hand, we can extract the social structure of software developer teams, i.e., the producers, on the other hand we can analyse the structure of the software code, i.e., the product. Hence, we can address the relation between collaboration and productivity using very fine-grained data resolution.
Structure and dynamics of software systems
Typical modern software systems consist of hundreds or even thousands of interdependent modules or subsystems, which are working together in complex ways and which mutually depend on each others’ functionality. A proper understanding of the structure of such software systems, as well as of the evolution of these structures as their development progresses is fundamental for the design and management of secure, reliable and maintainable software. Naturally, such systems can be studied from a complex networks perspective, where functions, classes, or packages are represented by nodes and the interdependencies between them are modeled as links.
Collaboration in software developer teams
Open Source software is created by self-organized teams of developers. These teams are very dynamic as members join or leave, and individual productivity varies over time. Hence, the collaboration structure, the distribution of tasks and responsibilities in software development teams will positively or negatively affect the performance of the project. Analysing large-scale data sets with state-of-the-art methods from complex networks and machine learning, we can quantify the coordination effort within teams and their productivity dependent on team size.
Related Publications
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Social Network Analysis and Mining - 2023

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Entropy, 23(12), 1677 - 2021

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Empirical Software Engineering - 2021
git2net - An Open Source Package to Mine Time-Stamped Collaboration Networks from Large git Repositories
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories - 2019
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Empirical Software Engineering - 2016

A Complex Networks Perspective On Collaborative Software Engineering
ACS - Advances in Complex Systems - 2015

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Socioinformatics-The Social Impact of Interactions between Humans and IT - 2014

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IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering - 2012

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Modularity, Dependence and Change
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A quantitative study of social organisation in open source software communities
In Proceedings of the 2012 Imperial College Computing Student Workshop - 2012

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Sustainable growth in complex networks
Europhysics Letters - 2011

A complementary view on the growth of directory trees
The European Physical Journal B - 2009

Software change dynamics: Evidence from 35 Java projects
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Self-organization applied to dynamic network layout
International Journal of Modern Physics C - 2007