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Network embeddedness indicates the innovation potential of firms

arXiv - 2022

Giacomo Vaccario, Luca Verginer, Antonios Garas, Mario V. Tomasello and Frank Schweitzer

Fragile, Yet Resilient: Adaptive Decline in a Collaboration Network of Firms

Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics - 2021

Frank Schweitzer, Giona Casiraghi, Mario V. Tomasello and David Garcia

Quantifying knowledge exchange in R&D networks: A data-driven model

Journal of Evolutionary Economics - 2018

Giacomo Vaccario, Mario Vincenzo Tomasello, Claudio Juan Tessone and Frank Schweitzer

The spatial component of R&D networks

Journal of Evolutionary Economics - 2018

Tobias Scholl, Antonios Garas and Frank Schweitzer

Innovator Networks

Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining - 2018

Mario Vincenzo Tomasello, Moritz Mueller and Frank Schweitzer

Data-driven modeling of collaboration networks: A cross-domain analysis

EPJ Data Sci. - 2017

Mario Vincenzo Tomasello, Giacomo Vaccario and Frank Schweitzer

The Rise and Fall of R&D Networks

ICC - Industrial and Corporate Change - 2017

Mario Vincenzo Tomasello, Mauro Napoletano, Antonios Garas and Frank Schweitzer

Modeling the formation of R&D alliances: An agent-based model with empirical validation

Economics - 2017

Mario Vincenzo Tomasello, Rebekka Burkholz and Frank Schweitzer

A model of dynamic rewiring and knowledge exchange in R&D networks

Advances in Complex Systems - 2016

Mario Vincenzo Tomasello, Claudio Juan Tessone and Frank Schweitzer

The effect of R&D collaborations on firms' technological positions

In Proceedings of the 10th International Forum IFKAD 2015 - 2015

Mario Vincenzo Tomasello, Claudio Juan Tessone and Frank Schweitzer

The Role of Endogenous and Exogenous Mechanisms in the Formation of R&D Networks

Scientific Reports - 2014

Mario Vincenzo Tomasello, Nicola Perra, Claudio Juan Tessone, M'arton Karsai and Frank Schweitzer

The efficiency and stability of R&D networks

Games and Economic Behavior - 2012

Michael D Koenig, Stefano Battiston, Mauro Napoletano and Frank Schweitzer

Recombinant knowledge and the evolution of innovation networks

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization - 2011

Michael D Koenig, Stefano Battiston, Mauro Napoletano and Frank Schweitzer

Modeling evolving innovation networks

Innovation Networks . New Approaches in Modelling and Analyzing - 2009

Michael D Koenig, Stefano Battiston and Frank Schweitzer

From Graph Theory to Models of Economic Networks. A Tutorial

Networks, Topology and Dynamics: Theory and Applications to Economics and Social Systems - 2009

Michael D Koenig and Stefano Battiston

On Algebraic Graph Theory and the Dynamics of Innovation Networks

Networks and Heterogeneous Media - 2008

Michael D Koenig, Stefano Battiston, Mauro Napoletano and Frank Schweitzer