

Empirical networks are sparse: Enhancing multiedge models with zero-inflation

PNAS Nexus - 2025

Giona Casiraghi and Georges Andres


The Uneven Access to COVID-19 Research for Women in Science

arXiv - 2024

Carolina Biliotti, Luca Verginer and Massimo Riccaboni

The quest for an unbiased scientific impact indicator remains open

PNAS - 2024

Giacomo Vaccario, Shuqi Xu, Manuel S. Mariani and Matúš Medo

Efficiency and resilience: Key drivers of distribution network growth

EPJ Data Science - 2024

Ambra Amico, Giacomo Vaccario and Frank Schweitzer

Detecting and Optimising Team Interactions in Software Development

PLOS One - 2024

Christian Zingg, Alexander von Gernler, Carsten Arzig, Frank Schweitzer and Christoph Gote

Tracing Opioids Across the US: A High-Resolution Pharmaceutical Distribution Dataset

Scientific Data - 2024

Ambra Amico, Luca Verginer and Frank Schweitzer

Processing Large-Scale Archival Records: The Case of the Swiss Parliamentary Records

Swiss Political Science Review - 2024

Luis Salamanca, Laurence Brandenberger, Lilian Gasser, Sophia Schlosser, Marta Balode, Vincent Jung, Fernando Perez-Cruz and Frank Schweitzer

Disentangling the Timescales of a Complex System: A Bayesian Approach to Temporal Network Analysis

ArXiv Preprint - 2024

Giona Casiraghi and Georges Andres

Adapting to disruptions: Managing supply chain resilience through product rerouting

Science Advances - 2024

Ambra Amico, Luca Verginer, Giona Casiraghi, Giacomo Vaccario and Frank Schweitzer

The nonlinear economy (I): How resource constrains lead to business cycles

Chaos - 2024

Frank Schweitzer and Giona Casiraghi

Shock! Quantifying the Impact of Core Developers' Dropout on the Productivity of OSS Projects

Companion Proceedings of the ACM on Web Conference 2024 - 2024

Giuseppe Russo Latona, Christoph Gote, Christian Zingg, Giona Casiraghi, Luca Verginer and Frank Schweitzer


Reconstructing signed relations from interaction data

Scientific Reports - 2023

Georges Andres, Giona Casiraghi, Giacomo Vaccario and Frank Schweitzer

Predicting variable-length paths in networked systems using multi-order generative models.

Applied Network Science - 2023

Christoph Gote, Giona Casiraghi, Frank Schweitzer and Ingo Scholtes

The Robotic Herd: Using Human-Bot Interactions to Explore Irrational Herding

SocArXiv - 2023

Luca Verginer, Giacomo Vaccario and Piero Ronzani

Helping a Friend or Supporting a Cause? Disentangling Active and Passive Cosponsorship in the U.S. Congress

Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers) - 2023

Giuseppe Russo, Christoph Gote, Laurence Brandenberger, Sophia Schlosser and Frank Schweitzer

Spillover of Antisocial Behavior from Fringe Platforms: The Unintended Consequences of Community Banning

Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media - 2023

Giuseppe Russo, Luca Verginer, Manoel Horta Ribeiro and Giona Casiraghi


Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften - 2023

Ramona Roller

Tracing the Footsteps of Ideas: Time-respecting Paths Reveal Key Reformers and Communication Pathways in Protestant Letter Networks

SocArXiv - 2023

Ramona Roller

Modeling the impact of environmental consciousness on the supply-demand relationship between firms and customers

Available at SSRN 4403242 - 2023

Tianyuan Wang, Giacomo Vaccario and Frank Schweitzer

Fragmentation from group interactions: A higher-order adaptive voter model

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications - 2023

Nikos Papanikolaou, Renaud Lambiotte and Giacomo Vaccario

Struggling with change: The fragile resilience of collectives

Perspectives on Psychological Science - 2023

Frank Schweitzer, Christian Zingg and Giona Casiraghi

Understanding Online Migration Decisions Following the Banning of Radical Communities

Proceedings of the 15th ACM Web Science Conference 2023 - 2023

Giuseppe Russo, Manoel Horta Ribeiro, Giona Casiraghi and Luca Verginer

Locating Community Smells in Software Development Processes Using Higher-Order Network Centralities

Social Network Analysis and Mining - 2023

Christoph Gote, Vincenzo Perri, Christian Zingg, Giona Casiraghi, Carsten Arzig, Alexander von Gernler, Frank Schweitzer and Ingo Scholtes


Modeling social resilience: Questions, answers, open problems

Advances in Complex Systems - 2022

Frank Schweitzer, Georges Andres, Giona Casiraghi, Christoph Gote, Ramona Roller, Ingo Scholtes, Giacomo Vaccario and Christian Zingg

Theory-Driven Statistics for the DigitalHumanities: Presenting Pitfalls and a Practical Guide by the Example of the Reformation

Journal of Cultural Analytics - 2022

Ramona Roller

When standard network measures fail to rank journals: A theoretical and empirical analysis

Quantitative Science Studies - 2022

Giacomo Vaccario and Luca Verginer

The Role Of Network Embeddedness On The Selection Of Collaboration Partners: An Agent-Based Model With Empirical Validation

Advances in Complex Systems - 2022

Frank Schweitzer, Antonios Garas, Mario V. Tomasello, Giacomo Vaccario and Luca Verginer

Consensus from group interactions: An adaptive voter model on hypergraphs

Physical Review E - 2022

Nikos Papanikolaou, Giacomo Vaccario, Erik Hormann, Renaud Lambiotte and Frank Schweitzer

Group relations, resilience and the I Ching

Physica A - 2022

Frank Schweitzer

Social nucleation: Group formation as a phase transition

Physical Review E - 2022

Frank Schweitzer and Georges Andres

The role of neighbourhood relations in confessionalisation

socarxiv - 2022

Ramona Roller, Frank Schweitzer and Christoph Strohm

The Impact of Acquisitions on Inventors' Turnover in the Biotechnology Industry

arXiv - 2022

Luca Verginer, Federica Parisi, Jeroen van Lidth de Jeude and Massimo Riccaboni

Decision-Making Networks Across Political Systems

American Journal of Political Science - 2022

Florence Metz and Laurence Brandenberger

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on scientific research in the life sciences

PLOS ONE - 2022

Massimo Riccaboni and Luca Verginer

Predicting Influential Higher-Order Patterns in Temporal Network Data

2022 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) - 2022

Christoph Gote, Vincenzo Perri and Ingo Scholtes

Network embeddedness indicates the innovation potential of firms

arXiv - 2022

Giacomo Vaccario, Luca Verginer, Antonios Garas, Mario V. Tomasello and Frank Schweitzer

Comparing Online and Offline Political Support

Swiss Political Science Review - 2022

Laurence Brandenberger, Giona Casiraghi, Georges Andres, Simon Schweighofer and Frank Schweitzer

Big Data = Big Insights? Operationalising Brooks' Law in a Massive GitHub Data Set

2022 IEEE/ACM 44th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) - 2022

Christoph Gote, Pavlin Mavrodiev, Frank Schweitzer and Ingo Scholtes


The downside of heterogeneity: How established relations counteract systemic adaptivity in tasks assignments

Entropy, 23(12), 1677 - 2021

Giona Casiraghi, Christian Zingg and Frank Schweitzer

A network approach to expertise retrieval based on path similarity and credit allocation

Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination - 2021

Xiancheng Li, Luca Verginer, Massimo Riccaboni and P. Panzarasa

Configuration models as an urn problem

Scientific Reports 11, 13416 - 2021

Giona Casiraghi and Vahan Nanumyan

Reproducing scientists' mobility: a data-driven model

Scientific Reports - 2021

Giacomo Vaccario, Luca Verginer and Frank Schweitzer

Enhanced or distorted wisdom of crowds? An agent-based model of opinion formation under social influence

Swarm Intelligence - 2021

Pavlin Mavrodiev and Frank Schweitzer

A new theory of social roles in networks

socarxiv - 2021

Ramona Roller and Frank Schweitzer

gambit - An Open Source Name Disambiguation Tool for Version Control Systems

2021 IEEE/ACM 18th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR) - 2021

Christoph Gote and Christian Zingg

The likelihood-ratio test for multi-edge network models

J. Phys. Complex. 2 035012 - 2021

Giona Casiraghi

Stem cell legislation and its impact on the geographic preferences of stem cell researchers

Eurasian Business Review - 2021

Luca Verginer and Massimo Riccaboni

Vectorizing maps to generate geo-spatial data on territories of the Holy Roman Empire

socarxiv - 2021

Ramona Roller

The ambiguous role of social influence on the wisdom of crowds: An analytic approach

Physica A - 2021

Pavlin Mavrodiev and Frank Schweitzer

Talent Goes to Global Cities: The World Network of Scientists’ Mobility

Research Policy - 2021

Luca Verginer and Massimo Riccaboni

Social percolation revisited: From 2d lattices to adaptive network

Physica A - 2021

Frank Schweitzer

Should the government reward cooperation? Insights from an agent-based model of wealth redistribution

Advances in Complex Systems - 2021

Frank Schweitzer, Luca Verginer and Giacomo Vaccario

Quantifying the importance of firms by means of reputation and network control

Frontiers in Big Data - 2021

Yan Zhang and Frank Schweitzer

Quantifying individual influence in leading-following behavior of Bechstein's bats

Scientific Reports - 2021

Pavlin Mavrodiev, Daniela Fleischmann, Gerald Kerth and Frank Schweitzer

Fragile, Yet Resilient: Adaptive Decline in a Collaboration Network of Firms

Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics - 2021

Frank Schweitzer, Giona Casiraghi, Mario V. Tomasello and David Garcia

Analysis and Visualisation of Time Series Data on Networks with Pathpy

Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021 - 2021

Jürgen Hackl, Ingo Scholtes, Luka V Petrović, Vincenzo Perri, Luca Verginer and Christoph Gote

Analysing time-stamped co-editing networks in software development teams using git2net

Empirical Software Engineering - 2021

Christoph Gote, Ingo Scholtes and Frank Schweitzer


Citations Driven by Social Connections? A Multi-Layer Representation of Coauthorship Networks

Quantitative Science Studies - 2020

Christian Zingg, Vahan Nanumyan and Frank Schweitzer

Multilayer network approach to modeling authorship influence on citation dynamics in physics journals

Physical Review E - 2020

Vahan Nanumyan, Christoph Gote and Frank Schweitzer

The mobility network of scientists: Analyzing temporal correlations in scientific careers

Applied Network Science - 2020

Giacomo Vaccario, Luca Verginer and Frank Schweitzer

Cities and countries in the global scientist mobility network

Applied Network Science - 2020

Luca Verginer and Massimo Riccaboni

The law of proportionate growth and its siblings: Applications in agent-based modeling of socio-economic systems

Complexity, Heterogeneity, and the Methods of Statistical Physics in Economics - 2020

Frank Schweitzer

Modeling User Reputation in Online Social Networks: The Role of Costs, Benefits, and Reciprocity

Entropy - 2020

Frank Schweitzer, Pavlin Mavrodiev, A. M. Seufert and David Garcia

Intervention scenarios to enhance knowledge transfer in a network of firms

Frontiers in Physics - 2020

Frank Schweitzer, Yan Zhang and Giona Casiraghi

Improving the robustness of online social networks: A simulation approach of network interventions

Frontiers in Robotics and AI - 2020

Giona Casiraghi and Frank Schweitzer

HYPA: Efficient Detection of Path Anomalies in Time Series Data on Networks

Proceedings of the 2020 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining - 2020

Timothy LaRock, Vahan Nanumyan, Ingo Scholtes, Giona Casiraghi, Tina Eliassi - Rad and Frank Schweitzer

Higher-order models capture changes in controllability of temporal networks

Journal of Physics: Complexity - 2020

Yan Zhang, Antonios Garas and Ingo Scholtes

Designing systems bottom up: Facets and problems

Advances in Complex Systems - 2020

Frank Schweitzer

An Agent-Based Model of Opinion Polarization Driven by Emotions

Complexity - 2020

Frank Schweitzer, Tamas Krivachy and David Garcia

An agent-based model of multi-dimensional opinion dynamics and opinion alignment

Chaos - 2020

Simon Schweighofer, David Garcia and Frank Schweitzer

A Weighted Balance Model of Opinion Hyperpolarization

Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation - 2020

Simon Schweighofer, Frank Schweitzer and David Garcia


The block-constrained configuration model

Applied Network Science - 2019

Giona Casiraghi

Probing the robustness of nested multi-layer networks


Giona Casiraghi, Antonios Garas and Frank Schweitzer

A Gaussian Process-based Self-Organizing Incremental Neural Network

2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) - 2019

X. Wang, Giona Casiraghi, Yan Zhang and J. Imura

What is the Entropy of a Social Organization?

Entropy - 2019

Christian Zingg, Giona Casiraghi, Giacomo Vaccario and Frank Schweitzer

Quantifying Triadic Closure in Multi-Edge Social Networks

ACM - 2019

Laurence Brandenberger, Giona Casiraghi, Vahan Nanumyan and Frank Schweitzer

git2net - An Open Source Package to Mine Time-Stamped Collaboration Networks from Large git Repositories

Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories - 2019

Christoph Gote, Ingo Scholtes and Frank Schweitzer

The interdependence of corporate reputation and ownership: A network approach to quantify reputation

Royal Society Open Science - 2019

Yan Zhang and Frank Schweitzer

The Bigger Picture: Complexity Meets Systems Design

Design. Tales of Science and Innovation - 2019

Frank Schweitzer

Predicting Network Events to Assess Goodness of Fit of Relational Event Models

Political Analysis - 2019

Laurence Brandenberger

International crop trade networks: The impact of shocks and cascades

Environmental Research Letters - 2019

Rebekka Burkholz and Frank Schweitzer

Efficient message passing for cascade size distributions

Scientific Reports - 2019

Rebekka Burkholz

Economic Specialization and the Nested Bipartite Network of City-Firm Relations

Multiplex and Multilevel Networks - 2019

Antonios Garas, C'eline Rozenblat and Frank Schweitzer

Data-driven modeling of leading-following behavior in Bechstein's bats

PLOS Computational Biology - 2019

Pavlin Mavrodiev, Daniela Fleischmann, Gerald Kerth and Frank Schweitzer

Data-driven modeling of group formation in the fission-fusion dynamics of Bechstein's bats

Journal of the Royal Society Interface - 2019

Nicolas Perony, Gerald Kerth and Frank Schweitzer

Control contribution identifies top driver nodes in complex networks

ACS-Advances in Complex Systems - 2019

Yan Zhang, Antonios Garas and Frank Schweitzer

An agent-based framework of active matter with applications in biological and social systems

European Journal of Physics - 2019

Frank Schweitzer


Quantifying knowledge exchange in R&D networks: A data-driven model

Journal of Evolutionary Economics - 2018

Giacomo Vaccario, Mario Vincenzo Tomasello, Claudio Juan Tessone and Frank Schweitzer

Explicit size distributions of failure cascades redefine systemic risk on finite networks

Scientific Reports - 2018

Rebekka Burkholz, H. J. Herrmann and Frank Schweitzer

The spatial component of R&D networks

Journal of Evolutionary Economics - 2018

Tobias Scholl, Antonios Garas and Frank Schweitzer

The optimal trajectory to control complex networks

arXiv: 1806.04229v1 - 2018

Aming Li, Long Wang and Frank Schweitzer


Physics Today - 2018

Frank Schweitzer

Physikalische Aspekte der Evolutorischen Ökonomik

Handbuch zur Evolutorischen Ökonomik - 2018

Frank Schweitzer

Multiplex and Multilevel Networks

Multiplex and Multilevel Networks - 2018

Guido Caldarelli, Antonios Garas and Stefano Battiston

Innovator Networks

Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining - 2018

Mario Vincenzo Tomasello, Moritz Mueller and Frank Schweitzer

Correlations between thresholds and degrees: An analytic approach to model attacks and failure cascades

Phys. Rev. E - 2018

Rebekka Burkholz and Frank Schweitzer

A framework for cascade size calculations on random networks

Physical Review E - 2018

Rebekka Burkholz and Frank Schweitzer


When is a Network a Network? Multi-Order Graphical Model Selection in Pathways and Temporal Networks

Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada - 2017

Ingo Scholtes

Quantifying and suppressing ranking bias in a large citation network

Journal of Informetrics - 2017

Giacomo Vaccario, Matus Medo, Nicolas Wider and Manuel S. Mariani

From Relational Data to Graphs: Inferring Significant Links Using Generalized Hypergeometric Ensembles

Social Informatics: 9th International Conference, SocInfo 2017, Oxford, UK, September 13-15, 2017, Proceedings, Part II - 2017

Giona Casiraghi, Vahan Nanumyan, Ingo Scholtes and Frank Schweitzer

Data-driven modeling of collaboration networks: A cross-domain analysis

EPJ Data Sci. - 2017

Mario Vincenzo Tomasello, Giacomo Vaccario and Frank Schweitzer

Quantifying the effect of editor-author relations on manuscript handling times

Scientometrics - 2017

Emre Sarigol, David Garcia, Ingo Scholtes and Frank Schweitzer

Newcomers vs. incumbents: How firms select their partners for R&D collaborations

arXiv:1403.3298 - 2017

Antonios Garas, Mario Vincenzo Tomasello and Frank Schweitzer

Multiplex Network Regression: How do relations drive interactions?

arXiv e-print - 2017

Giona Casiraghi

Zooming in: Studying Collective Emotions with Interactive Affective Systems

Cyberemotions: Collective Emotions in Cyberspace - 2017

Marcin Skowron, Stefan Rank, David Garcia and Janusz A. Hoyst

Understanding Popularity, Reputation, and Social Influence in the Twitter Society

Policy & Internet - 2017

David Garcia, Pavlin Mavrodiev, Daniele Casati and Frank Schweitzer

The role of consumer networks in firms’ multi - characteristics competition and market - share inequality

Structural Change and Economic Dynamics - 2017

Antonios Garas and Athanasios Lapatinas

The Rise and Fall of R&D Networks

ICC - Industrial and Corporate Change - 2017

Mario Vincenzo Tomasello, Mauro Napoletano, Antonios Garas and Frank Schweitzer

Modeling the formation of R&D alliances: An agent-based model with empirical validation

Economics - 2017

Mario Vincenzo Tomasello, Rebekka Burkholz and Frank Schweitzer

Limits to Scaling – and How to Move beyond Them

Too Big to Scale-On Scaling Space, Number, Time and Energy - 2017

Frank Schweitzer

Leaking privacy and shadow profiles in online social networks

Science Advances - 2017

David Garcia

Evaluative Patterns and Incentives in YouTube

Social Informatics - 2017

Adiya Abisheva, David Garcia and Frank Schweitzer

An Agent-Based Modeling Framework for Online Collective Emotions

Cyberemotions: Collective Emotions in Cyberspace - 2017

David Garcia, Antonios Garas and Frank Schweitzer

Agent-Based Simulations of Emotional Dialogs in the Online Social Network MySpace

Cyberemotions: Collective Emotions in Cyberspace - 2017

Bosiljka Tadic, Milovan Suvakov, David Garcia and Frank Schweitzer


Generalized Hypergeometric Ensembles: Statistical Hypothesis Testing in Complex Networks

ArXiv e-prints - 2016

Giona Casiraghi, Vahan Nanumyan, Ingo Scholtes and Frank Schweitzer

How damage diversification can reduce systemic risk

Physical Review E - 2016

Rebekka Burkholz, Antonios Garas and Frank Schweitzer

From Aristotle to Ringelmann: A large-scale analysis of team productivity and coordination in Open Source Software projects

Empirical Software Engineering - 2016

Ingo Scholtes, Pavlin Mavrodiev and Frank Schweitzer

Higher-Order Aggregate Networks in the Analysis of Temporal Networks: Path structures and centralities

European Physical Journal B - 2016

Ingo Scholtes, Nicolas Wider and Antonios Garas

Women Through the Glass-Ceiling: Gender Asymmetries in Wikipedia

EPJ Data Science - 2016

Claudia Wagner, Eduardo Graells - Garrido and David Garcia

When the Filter Bubble Bursts: Collective Evaluation Dynamics in Online Communities

Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Web Science - 2016

Adiya Abisheva, David Garcia and Frank Schweitzer

Value of peripheral nodes in controlling multilayer scale-free networks

Physical Review E - 2016

Yan Zhang, Antonios Garas and Frank Schweitzer

The relation between migration and FDI in the OECD from a complex network perspective

Advances in Complex Systems - 2016

Antonios Garas, Athanasios Lapatinas and Konstantinos Poulios

The QWERTY Effect on the Web: How Typing Shapes the Meaning of Words in Online Human-Computer Interaction

Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on World Wide Web - 2016

David Garcia and Markus Strohmaier

The Dynamics of Emotions in Online Interaction

Royal Society Open Science - 2016

David Garcia, Arvid Kappas, Dennis Kuster and Frank Schweitzer

Systemic risk in multiplex networks with asymmetric coupling and threshold feedback

Physica D - 2016

Rebekka Burkholz, Matt Leduc, Antonios Garas and Frank Schweitzer

Interconnected Networks

Springer International Publishing - 2016

Antonios Garas

Emotions, Demographics and Sociability in Twitter Interactions

nternational Conference in Web and Social Media (ICWSM) - 2016

Kristina Lerman, Megha Arora, Luciano Gallegos, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru and David Garcia

Anticipated Shocks in Online Activity: Response Functions of Attention and Word-of-mouth Processes

Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Web Science - 2016

Sebastian Stommel, David Garcia, Adiya Abisheva and Frank Schweitzer

An ensemble perspective on multi-layer networks

Interconnected Networks - 2016

Nicolas Wider, Antonios Garas, Ingo Scholtes and Frank Schweitzer

A model of dynamic rewiring and knowledge exchange in R&D networks

Advances in Complex Systems - 2016

Mario Vincenzo Tomasello, Claudio Juan Tessone and Frank Schweitzer

A conceptual approach to model co-evolution of urban structures

International Journal of Space Structures - 2016

Frank Schweitzer and Vahan Nanumyan


The Network of Counterparty Risk: Analysing Correlations in OTC Derivatives

PLOS ONE - 2015

Vahan Nanumyan, Antonios Garas and Frank Schweitzer

Understanding Complex Systems: When Big Data meets Network Science

it - Information Technology - 2015

Ingo Scholtes

Tumor Invasion Optimization by Mesenchymal-Amoeboid Heterogeneity

Scientific Reports - 2015

Inbal Hecht, Yasmin Bar - El, Frederic Balmer, Sari Natan, Ilan Tsarfaty, Frank Schweitzer and Eshel Ben - Jacob

The language-dependent relationship between word happiness and frequency

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - 2015

David Garcia, Antonios Garas and Frank Schweitzer

The effect of R&D collaborations on firms' technological positions

In Proceedings of the 10th International Forum IFKAD 2015 - 2015

Mario Vincenzo Tomasello, Claudio Juan Tessone and Frank Schweitzer

Social signals and algorithmic trading of Bitcoin

Royal Society Open Science - 2015

David Garcia and Frank Schweitzer

Sentiment cascades in the 15M movement

EPJ Data Science - 2015

Raquel Alvarez, David Garcia, Yamir Moreno and Frank Schweitzer

Reaction-Diffusion Processes on Interconnected Scale-Free Networks

Physical Review E - 2015

Antonios Garas

Quantifying the Economic and Cultural Biases of Social Media through Trending Topics

PLOS ONE - 2015

Juan Miguel Carrascosa, Ruben Cuevas, Roberto Gonzalez, Arturo Azcorra and David Garcia

Pro-Anorexia and Anti-Pro-Anorexia Videos on YouTube: Sentiment Analysis of User Responses

Journal of Medical Internet Research - 2015

Atte Oksanen, David Garcia, Anu Sirola, Matti Näsi, Markus Kaakinen, Teo Keipi and Pekka Räsänen

Neighborhood Approximations for Non-Linear Voter Models

Entropy - 2015

Frank Schweitzer and Laxmidhar Behera

It's a Man's Wikipedia? Assessing Gender Inequality in an Online Encyclopedia


Claudia Wagner, David Garcia, Mohsen Jadidi and Markus Strohmaier

Ideological and Temporal Components of Network Polarization in Online Political Participatory Media

Policy and Internet - 2015

David Garcia, Adiya Abisheva, Simon Schweighofer, Uwe Serdult and Frank Schweitzer

Geography of Emotion: Where in a City are People Happier?

Proceedings of the 25th international World Wide Web conference companion - 2015

Luciano Gallegos, Kristina Lerman, Arthur Huang and David Garcia

Emotions and Activity Profiles of Influential Users in Product Reviews Communities

Frontiers in Physics - 2015

Dorian Tanase, David Garcia, Antonios Garas and Frank Schweitzer

Becoming popular: Interpersonal emotion regulation predicts relationship formation in real life social networks

Frontiers in Psychology - 2015

Karen Niven, David Garcia, Ilmo Van Der Lowe, David Holman and Warren Mansell

A Complex Networks Perspective On Collaborative Software Engineering

ACS - Advances in Complex Systems - 2015

Marcelo Cataldo, Ingo Scholtes and Giuseppe Valetto


Editorial: Scientific networks and success in science

EPJ Data Science - 2014

Frank Schweitzer

Nestedness in networks: A theoretical model and some applications

Theoretical Economics - 2014

Michael D Koenig, Claudio Juan Tessone and Yves Zenou

Causality-driven slow-down and speed-up of diffusion in non-Markovian temporal networks

Nature Communications - 2014

Ingo Scholtes, Nicolas Wider, Rene Pfitzner, Antonios Garas, Claudio Juan Tessone and Frank Schweitzer

The Role of Endogenous and Exogenous Mechanisms in the Formation of R&D Networks

Scientific Reports - 2014

Mario Vincenzo Tomasello, Nicola Perra, Claudio Juan Tessone, M'arton Karsai and Frank Schweitzer

Who Watches ( and Shares ) What on YouTube ? And When ? Using Twitter to Understand YouTube Viewership

In Proceedings of the 7th ACM international conference on Web search and data mining, pages: 593-602 - 2014

Adiya Abisheva, Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella, David Garcia and Ingmar Weber

Predicting Scientific Success Based on Coauthorship Networks

EPJ Data Science - 2014

Emre Sarigol, Rene Pfitzner, Ingo Scholtes, Antonios Garas and Frank Schweitzer

The Social Dimension of Information Ranking: A Discussion of Research Challenges and Approaches

Socioinformatics - The Social Impact of Interactions between Humans and IT - 2014

Frank Schweitzer, Ingo Scholtes and Rene Pfitzner

The digital traces of bubbles: Feedback cycles between socio-economic signals in the Bitcoin economy

Journal of the Royal Society Interface - 2014

David Garcia, Claudio Juan Tessone, Pavlin Mavrodiev and Nicolas Perony

Social Network Analysis in the Enterprise: Challenges and Opportunities

Socioinformatics-The Social Impact of Interactions between Humans and IT - 2014

Valentin Burger, David Hock, Ingo Scholtes, Tobias Hofeld, David Garcia and Michael Seufert

Quantifying the Impact of Leveraging and Diversification on Systemic Risk

Journal of Financial Stability - 2014

Paolo Tasca, Pavlin Mavrodiev and Frank Schweitzer

Online Privacy as a Collective Phenomenon

ACM - 2014

Emre Sarigol, David Garcia and Frank Schweitzer

Nest attendance of lactating females in a wild house mouse population: Benefits associated with communal nesting

Animal Behaviour - 2014

Yannick Auclair, Barbara Koenig, Manuela Ferrari, Nicolas Perony and Anna K. Lindholm

Modeling collective emotions in online social systems

Collective Emotions - 2014

David Garcia, Antonios Garas and Frank Schweitzer

How do OSS projects change in number and size? A large-scale analysis to test a model of project growth

ACS - Advances in Complex Systems - 2014

Frank Schweitzer, Vahan Nanumyan, Claudio Juan Tessone and Xi Xia

Gender Asymmetries in Reality and Fiction : The Bechdel Test of Social Media

Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media - 2014

David Garcia, Ingmar Weber and Rama Venkata Kiran Garimella

Force-Directed Layout of Non-Markovian Temporal Networks

Working Paper - 2014

Ingo Scholtes

Engineering and Mastering Interwoven Systems

Proceedings of ARCS 2014 - 27th International Conference on Architecture of Computing - 2014

Sven Tomforde, Jörg Hähner, Hella Seebach, W. - E. Reif, Bernhard Sick, Arno Wacker and Ingo Scholtes

Dynamical coupling during collective animal motion

Submitted. arXiv:1311.1417 - 2014

Tom O. Richardson, Nicolas Perony, Claudio Juan Tessone, Christophe A.H. Bousquet, Marta B. Manser and Frank Schweitzer

Dissonance minimization as a microfoundation of social influence in models of opinion formation

The Journal of Mathematical Sociology - 2014

Patrick Groeber, Jan Lorenz and Frank Schweitzer

Communication In Innovation Communities: An Analysis Of 100 Open Source Software Projects

ACS - Advances in Complex Systems - 2014

Markus Michael Geipel, Kerstin Press and Frank Schweitzer

Automated Software Remodularization Based on Move Refactoring

13th International Conference on Modularity - 2014

Marcelo Serrano Zanetti, Claudio Juan Tessone, Ingo Scholtes and Frank Schweitzer


How big is too big? Critical shocks for systemic failure cascades

Journal of Statistical Physics - 2013

Claudio Juan Tessone, Antonios Garas, Beniamino Guerra and Frank Schweitzer

Bechstein's bats maintain individual social links despite a complete reorganisation of their colony structure

Naturwissenschaften - 2013

Anja Baigger, Nicolas Perony, Vera Leinert, Markus Melber, Stefanie Grunberger, Daniela Fleischmann and Gerald Kerth

Betweenness preference: Quantifying correlations in the topological dynamics of temporal networks

Physical Review Letters - 2013

Rene Pfitzner, Ingo Scholtes, Antonios Garas, Claudio Juan Tessone and Frank Schweitzer

Quantifying the effects of social influence

Scientific Reports - 2013

Pavlin Mavrodiev, Claudio Juan Tessone and Frank Schweitzer

How can social herding enhance cooperation?

ACS - Advances in Complex Systems - 2013

Frank Schweitzer, Pavlin Mavrodiev and Claudio Juan Tessone

Social resilience in online communities: The autopsy of Friendster


David Garcia, Pavlin Mavrodiev and Frank Schweitzer

Diversity-induced resonance in the response to social norms

Physical Review E - 2013

Claudio Juan Tessone, Anxo Sanchez and Frank Schweitzer

Why did the meerkat cross the road? Flexible adaptation of phylogenetically-old behavioural strategies to modern-day threats

PLOS ONE - 2013

Nicolas Perony and Simon W. Townsend

Use of a four-tiered graph to parse the factors leading to phenotypic clustering in bacteria: a case study based on samples from the Aletsch Glacier

PLOS ONE - 2013

Miroslav Svercel, Manuela Filippini, Nicolas Perony, Valentina Rossetti and Homayoun C. Bagheri

The social climbing game

Journal of Statistical Physics - 2013

Marco Bardoscia, Giancarlo Luca, Giacomo Livan, Matteo Marsili and Claudio Juan Tessone

The Role of Emotions in Contributors Activity: A Case Study of the Gentoo Community

IEEE Third International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing - 2013

David Garcia, Marcelo Serrano Zanetti and Frank Schweitzer

The rise and fall of a central contributor: Dynamics of social organization and performance in the Gentoo community

CHASE/ICSE '13 Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering - 2013

Marcelo Serrano Zanetti, Ingo Scholtes, Claudio Juan Tessone and Frank Schweitzer

The power to control

Nature Physics - 2013

Marco Galbiati, Danilo Delpini and Stefano Battiston

Spatial Localization in Manufacturing: A Cross-Country Analysis

Regional Studies - 2013

Stefania Vitali, Mauro Napoletano and Giorgio Fagiolo

Resilience in Enterprise Social Networks

In Proceedings of Informatik 2013, 43. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Informatik angepasst an Mensch, Organisation und Umwelt, 16. - 20. September 2013, Koblenz - 2013

Valentin Burger, Tobias Hofeld, David Garcia, Michael Seufert, Ingo Scholtes and David Hock

Redistribution spurs growth by using a portfolio effect on risky human capital

PLOS ONE - 2013

Jan Lorenz, Fabian Paetzel and Frank Schweitzer

Reconstructing a credit network

Nature Physics - 2013

Guido Caldarelli, Alessandro Chessa, Fabio Pammolli, Andrea Gabrielli and Michelangelo Puliga

Political alignment and emotional expression in Spanish Tweets

Workshop on Sentiment Analysis at SEPLN - 2013

David Garcia and Mike Thelwall

On the Benefits of Risk Diversification: The Individual and Social Perspectives

SAFE Conference - 2013

Paolo Tasca and Stefano Battiston

Measuring cultural dynamics through the Eurovision song contest

ACS - Advances in Complex Systems - 2013

David Garcia and Dorian Tanase

Evolution of controllability in interbank networks

Scientific reports - 2013

Danilo Delpini, Stefano Battiston, Massimo Riccaboni, Giampaolo Gabbi, Fabio Pammolli and Guido Caldarelli

Enhancing consensus under opinion bias by means of hierarchical decision making

ACS - Advances in Complex Systems - 2013

Nicolas Perony, Rene Pfitzner, Ingo Scholtes, Claudio Juan Tessone and Frank Schweitzer

Dyads to Groups : Modeling Interactions with Affective Dialog Systems

International Journal of Computational Linguistics Research - 2013

Stefan Rank, Marcin Skowron and David Garcia

Default Cascades in Complex Networks: Topology and Systemic Risk

Scientific Reports - 2013

Tarik Roukny, Hugues Bersini, Hugues Pirotte, Guido Caldarelli and Stefano Battiston

Damping sentiment analysis in online communication: Discussions, monologs and dialogs

In Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing - 2013

Mike Thelwall, Kevan Buckley, George Paltoglou, Marcin Skowron, David Garcia, Stephane Gobron, Junghyun Ahn, Arvid Kappas, Dennis Kuster and A Janusz

Credit default swaps drawup networks: Too interconnected to be stable?

PLOS ONE - 2013

Rahul Kaushik and Stefano Battiston

Complex Structures and Collective Dynamics in Networked Systems: A Tutorial

In Proceedings of 7th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, SASO 2013 - 2013

Ingo Scholtes and Markus Esch

Complex derivatives

Nature Physics - 2013

Stefano Battiston, Guido Caldarelli, Co - Pierre Georg, Robert May and Joseph Stiglitz

Codonphyml: Fast maximum likelihood phylogeny estimation under codon substitution models

Molecular Biology and Evolution - 2013

Marcelo Serrano Zanetti, Manuel Gil, Stefan Zoller and Maria Anisimova

Categorizing bugs with social networks: A case study on four open source software communities

ICSE '13 Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Software Engineering - 2013

Marcelo Serrano Zanetti, Ingo Scholtes, Claudio Juan Tessone and Frank Schweitzer

Bootstrapping Topological Properties and Systemic Risk of Complex Networks Using the Fitness Model

Journal of Statistical Physics - 2013

Nicolo Musmeci, Stefano Battiston, Guido Caldarelli, Michelangelo Puliga and Andrea Gabrielli


How random is social behaviour? Disentangling social complexity through the study of a wild house mouse population

PLOS Computational Biology - 2012

Nicolas Perony, Claudio Juan Tessone, Barbara Koenig and Frank Schweitzer

Exploratory of society

The European Physical Journal Special Topics - 2012

L. - E. Cederman, R. Conte, Dirk Helbing, A. Nowak, Frank Schweitzer and Alessandro Vespignani

An economic and financial exploratory

The European physical journal. Special topics - 2012

S Cincotti, Didier Sornette, P Treleaven, Stefano Battiston, Guido Caldarelli, C Hommes and A Kirman

Synchronised firing induced by network dynamics in excitable systems

Europhysics Letters - 2012

Claudio Juan Tessone and Damian H. Zanette

DebtRank: Too Central to Fail? Financial Networks, the FED and Systemic Risk

Scientific Reports - 2012

Stefano Battiston, Michelangelo Puliga, Rahul Kaushik, Paolo Tasca and Guido Caldarelli

A k-shell decomposition method for weighted networks

New Journal of Physics - 2012

Antonios Garas, Frank Schweitzer and Shlomo Havlin

The efficiency and stability of R&D networks

Games and Economic Behavior - 2012

Michael D Koenig, Stefano Battiston, Mauro Napoletano and Frank Schweitzer

Positive words carry less information than negative words

EPJ Data Science - 2012

David Garcia, Antonios Garas and Frank Schweitzer

Emotional persistence in online chatting communities

Scientific Reports - 2012

Antonios Garas, David Garcia, Marcin Skowron and Frank Schweitzer


EPJ Data Science - 2012

Frank Schweitzer and Alessandro Vespignani

Time-explicit graphs: A framework for dynamic network analysis


Rene Pfitzner, Ingo Scholtes, Claudio Juan Tessone, Antonios Garas and Frank Schweitzer

Moving recommender systems from on-line commerce to retail stores

Information Systems and e-Business Management - 2012

Frank Edward Walter, Stefano Battiston, Mahir Yildirim and Frank Schweitzer

The Link between Dependency and Cochange: Empirical Evidence

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering - 2012

Markus Michael Geipel and Frank Schweitzer

The co-evolution of socio-technical structures in sustainable software development: Lessons from the open source software communities

34th International Conference on Software Engineering - 2012

Marcelo Serrano Zanetti

Political polarization and popularity in online participatory media : An integrated approach

In Proceedings of the Proceedings of the first edition workshop on Politics, elections and data - PLEAD '12 - 2012

David Garcia, Fernando Mendez, Uwe Serdult and Frank Schweitzer

Organic design of massively distributed systems: A complex networks perspective

Informatik Spektrum - 2012

Ingo Scholtes and Claudio Juan Tessone

Optimal migration promotes the outbreak of cooperation in heterogeneous populations

ACS - Advances in Complex Systems - 2012

Frank Schweitzer and Laxmidhar Behera

Noise-induced volatility of collective dynamics

Physical Review E - 2012

Georges Harras, Claudio Juan Tessone and Didier Sornette

Modularity, Dependence and Change

Advances in Complex Systems - 2012

Markus Michael Geipel

Modeling online collective emotions

Proceedings of the 2012 workshop on Data-driven user behavioral modelling and mining from social media-DUBMMSM '12, CIKM2012 - 2012

David Garcia and Frank Schweitzer

Market Procyclicality and Systemic Risk

SSRN Electronic Journal - 2012

Paolo Tasca and Stefano Battiston

Liaisons Dangereuses: Increasing Connectivity, Risk Sharing, and Systemic Risk

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control - 2012

Stefano Battiston, Domenico Delli Gatti, Mauro Gallegati, Bruce C. N. Greenwald and Joseph E. Stiglitz

Hierarchical consensus formation reduces the influence of opinion bias

In ECMS 2012 - Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation - 2012

Nicolas Perony, Rene Pfitzner, Ingo Scholtes, Frank Schweitzer and Claudio Juan Tessone

Emotional divergence influences information spreading in Twitter

In Proceedings of the 6th International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media - 2012

Rene Pfitzner, Antonios Garas and Frank Schweitzer

Effects of social influence on the wisdom of crowds


Pavlin Mavrodiev, Claudio Juan Tessone and Frank Schweitzer

Default Cascades: When Does Risk Diversification Increase Stability?

Journal of Financial Stability - 2012

Stefano Battiston, Domenico Delli Gatti, Mauro Gallegati, Bruce C. N. Greenwald and Joseph E. Stiglitz

An nvc emotional model for conversational virtual humans in a 3d chatting environment

Proceedings of the VII Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects 2012 - 2012

Junghyun Ahn, Stephane Gobron, David Garcia, Quentin Silvestre, Daniel Thalmann and Ronan Bulic

An event-based architecture to manage virtual human non-verbal communication in 3d chatting environment

Proceedings of the VII Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects 2012 - 2012

Stephane Gobron, Junghyun Ahn, David Garcia, Quentin Silvestre, Daniel Thalmann and Ronan Boulic

A tunable mechanism for identifying trusted nodes in large scale distributed networks

Proceedings of 11th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom 2012) - 2012

Joydeep Chandra, Ingo Scholtes, Niloy Ganguly and Frank Schweitzer

A quantitative study of social organisation in open source software communities

In Proceedings of the 2012 Imperial College Computing Student Workshop - 2012

Marcelo Serrano Zanetti, Emre Sarigol, Ingo Scholtes, Claudio Juan Tessone and Frank Schweitzer

A network perspective on software modularity

Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS) Workshops 2012 - 2012

Marcelo Serrano Zanetti and Frank Schweitzer

"Take me to your leader!": Inferring leadership in animal groups on the move

Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems (Artificial Life 13) - 2012

Nicolas Perony, Thomas R. Richardson, Marta B. Manser and Frank Schweitzer


Network evolution based on centrality

Physical Review E - 2011

Michael D Koenig and Claudio Juan Tessone

The network of global corporate control

PLOS ONE - 2011

Stefania Vitali, James B. Glattfelder and Stefano Battiston

Statistical classification of cascading failures in power grids

2011 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting - 2011

Rene Pfitzner, Konstantin Turitsyn and Michael Chertkov

Controlled Tripping of Overheated Lines Mitigates Power Outages


Rene Pfitzner, Konstantin Turitsyn and Michael Chertkov

Recombinant knowledge and the evolution of innovation networks

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization - 2011

Michael D Koenig, Stefano Battiston, Mauro Napoletano and Frank Schweitzer

Bats are able to maintain long-term social relationships despite the high fission-fusion dynamics of their groups.

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences - 2011

Gerald Kerth, Nicolas Perony and Frank Schweitzer

Web search queries can predict stock market volumes

PLOS-ONE - 2011

Ilaria Bordino, Stefano Battiston, Guido Caldarelli, Matthieu Cristelli, Antti Ukkonen and Ingmar Weber

Tweetgames: A framework for Twitter-based collaborative social online games

7th International Conference on Collaborative Computing (CollaborateCom 2011), Orlando, FL, USA - 2011

Markus Esch, Aleksandrina Kovacheva, Ingo Scholtes and Steffen Rothkugel

Trust as the basis of coalition formation in electronic marketplaces

ACS - Advances in Complex Systems - 2011

Frank Edward Walter

The wisdom of crowds in one mind : How individuals can simulate the knowledge of diverse societies to reach better decisions

Journal of Mathematical Psychology - 2011

Heiko Rauhut and Jan Lorenz

Testing an agent-based model of bacterial cell motility: How nutrient concentration affects speed distribution

The European Physical Journal B - 2011

Victor Garcia, Mirko Birbaumer and Frank Schweitzer

Sustainable growth in complex networks

Europhysics Letters - 2011

Claudio Juan Tessone, Markus Michael Geipel and Frank Schweitzer

Sind die Physiker schuld an der Finanzkrise?

Physik Journal - 2011

Frank Schweitzer

Reply to Farrell: Improved individual estimation success can imply collective tunnel vision

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) - 2011

Heiko Rauhut, Jan Lorenz, Frank Schweitzer and Dirk Helbing

Patterns in high-frequency fx data : Discovery of 12 empirical scaling laws

Quantitative Finance - 2011

James B. Glattfelder, A. Dupuis and R. B. Olsen

How social influence can undermine the wisdom of crowd effect

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) - 2011

Jan Lorenz, Heiko Rauhut, Frank Schweitzer and Dirk Helbing

Geography versus topology in the european ownership network

New Journal of Physics - 2011

Stefania Vitali and Stefano Battiston

Emotions in product reviews – empirics and models

IEEE International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk, and Trust, and IEEE International Conference on Social Computing, PASSAT/SocialCom - 2011

David Garcia and Frank Schweitzer

Editorial: Agents and multi-agent systems

ACS - Advances in Complex Systems - 2011

Frank Schweitzer and Matthew E. Taylor

Diversification and Financial Stability

SSRN Electronic Journal - 2011

Paolo Tasca and Stefano Battiston

Agent-based modeling of intracellular transport

The European Physical Journal B - 2011

Mirko Birbaumer and Frank Schweitzer


Does ignorance promote norm compliance?

Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory - 2010

Patrick Groeber and Heiko Rauhut

An agent-based model of collective emotions in online communities

The European Physical Journal B - 2010

Frank Schweitzer and David Garcia

On conditions for convergence to consensus

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control - 2010

Jan Lorenz and Dirk A. Lorenz

Tipping diffusivity in information accumulation systems: More links, less consensus

Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment - 2010

J. K. Shin and Jan Lorenz

Power law signature of media exposure in human response waiting time distributions

Physical Review E - 2010

Riley Crane, Frank Schweitzer and Didier Sornette

Vanishing hands? On the link between product and organization architecture

Industrial and Corporate Change - 2010

Kerstin Press and Markus Michael Geipel

The Structure of Financial Networks

Network Science - 2010

Stefano Battiston, James B. Glattfelder, Diego Garlaschelli, F Lillo and Guido Caldarelli

Heterogeneous bounds of confidence: Meet, discuss and find consensus!

Inter Science Complexity - 2010

Jan Lorenz

From assortative to dissortative networks: The role of capacity constraints

Advances in Complex Systems (ACS) - 2010

Michael D Konig, Claudio Juan Tessone and Yves Zenou

Editorial: Sozio - und Ökonophysik sind etablierte Forschungsfelder

Physik in unserer Zeit - 2010

Frank Schweitzer

Dilemmas of partial cooperation

Evolution - 2010

Hans - Ulrich Stark

A stochastic model of social interaction in wild house mice

Proceedings of the European Conference on Complex Systems 2010 - 2010

Nicolas Perony, Barbara Koenig and Frank Schweitzer


Systemic risk in a unifying framework for cascading processes on networks

The European Physical Journal B - 2009

Jan Lorenz, Stefano Battiston and Frank Schweitzer

Editorial: Risk, markets, games, and networks

The European Physical Journal B - 2009

Frank Schweitzer, Stefano Battiston and Claudio Juan Tessone

Backbone of complex networks of corporations: The flow of control

Physical Review E - 2009

James B. Glattfelder and Stefano Battiston

A complementary view on the growth of directory trees

The European Physical Journal B - 2009

Markus Michael Geipel, Claudio Juan Tessone and Frank Schweitzer

Universality in movie rating distributions

The European Physical Journal B - 2009

Jan Lorenz

Impact of aging on the evolution of cooperation in the spatial prisoner's dilemma game

Physical Review E - 2009

Attila Szolnoki, Matjaz Perc, Gyoergy Szabo and Hans Ulrich Stark

Diversity-induced resonance in a model for opinion formation

The European Physical Journal B - 2009

Claudio Juan Tessone and Raul Toral

Economic networks: The new challenges

Science (New York, N.Y.) - 2009

Frank Schweitzer, Giorgio Fagiolo, Didier Sornette, Fernando Vega - Redondo, Alessandro Vespignani and Douglas R. White

Critical behaviour in an evolutionary ultimatum game with social structure

ACS - Advances in Complex Systems - 2009

Victor M. Eguiluz and Claudio Juan Tessone

How groups can foster consensus: The case of local cultures

Journal of Aritifical Societies and Social Simulation - 2009

Patrick Groeber, Frank Schweitzer and Kerstin Press

Personalised and Dynamic Trust in Social Networks

Proceedings of the third ACM conference on Recommender systems-RecSys '09 - 2009

Frank Edward Walter, Stefano Battiston and Frank Schweitzer

Editorial: The complex systems section of EPJ B

The European Physical Journal B - 2009

Frank Schweitzer

Software change dynamics: Evidence from 35 Java projects

Proceedings of the the 7th joint meeting of the European software engineering conference and the ACM SIGSOFT symposium on The foundations of software engineering - 2009

Markus Michael Geipel and Frank Schweitzer

Nonlinear voter models: The transition from invasion to coexistence

The European Physical Journal B - 2009

Frank Schweitzer and Laxmidhar Behera

Modeling evolving innovation networks

Innovation Networks . New Approaches in Modelling and Analyzing - 2009

Michael D Koenig, Stefano Battiston and Frank Schweitzer

From Graph Theory to Models of Economic Networks. A Tutorial

Networks, Topology and Dynamics: Theory and Applications to Economics and Social Systems - 2009

Michael D Koenig and Stefano Battiston

Editorial: Complex networks

ACS - Advances in Complex Systems - 2009

Enrico Scalas and Frank Schweitzer

Economic Networks: What do we know and What do we need to know?

Advances in Complex Systems - 2009

Frank Schweitzer, Giorgio Fagiolo, Didier Sornette, Fernando Vega - Redondo and Douglas R. White


On Algebraic Graph Theory and the Dynamics of Innovation Networks

Networks and Heterogeneous Media - 2008

Michael D Koenig, Stefano Battiston, Mauro Napoletano and Frank Schweitzer

Systemic risk in a network fragility model analyzed with probability density evolution of persistent random walks

Networks and Heterogeneous Media - 2008

Jan Lorenz and Stefano Battiston

Chaotic synchronizations of spatially extended systems as nonequilibrium phase transitions.

Chaos (Woodbury, N.Y.) - 2008

Massimo Cencini, Claudio Juan Tessone and Aaron Tornell

Decelerating microdynamics can accelerate macrodynamics in the voter model

Physical Review Letters - 2008

Claudio Juan Tessone and Frank Schweitzer

Global firing induced by network disorder in ensembles of active rotators

The European Physical Journal B - 2008

Claudio Juan Tessone, Damian H. Zanette and Raul Toral

Investments in random environments

Physica A - 2008

Jesus Emeterio Navarro - Barrientos, Ruben Cantero, Joao F. Rodrigues and Frank Schweitzer

Universal scaling in the branching of the tree of life

PLOS ONE - 2008

E Alejandro Herrada, Claudio Juan Tessone, Konstantin Klemm, Victor M. Eguiluz, Emilio Hernandez - Garcia and Carlos M Duarte

Trade Credit Networks and systemic risk

Understanding Complex Systems - 2008

Stefano Battiston, Domenico Delli Gatti and Mauro Gallegati

The epidemics of donations: Logistic growth and power-laws.

PLOS ONE - 2008

Frank Schweitzer and Robert Mach

Slower is faster: Fostering consensus formation by heterogeneous interia

ACS - Advances in Complex Systems - 2008

Claudio Juan Tessone and Frank Schweitzer

Risk-seeking versus risk-avoiding investments in noisy periodic environments

International Journal of Modern Physics C - 2008

Jesus Emeterio Navarro - Barrientos, Frank Edward Walter and Frank Schweitzer

Opinion dynamics: The effect of the number of peers met at once

Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation - 2008

Diemo Urbig and Jan Lorenz

Coping with information overload through trust-based networks

Managing Complexity: Insights, concepts, Applications - 2008

Frank Edward Walter, Stefano Battiston and Frank Schweitzer

Are Output Growth-Rate Distributions Fat-Tailed? Some Evidence from OECD Countries

Journal of Applied Econometrics - 2008

Giorgio Fagiolo, Andrea Roventini and Mauro Napoletano

Alternating cooperation strategies in a route choice game: Theory, experiments, and effects of a learning scenario

Games, Rationality, and Behaviour - 2008

Hans Ulrich Stark, Dirk Helbing, Martin Schoenhof and Janusz A. Holyst

A Model of a Trust-based Recommendation System in a Social Network

JAAMAS - 2008

Frank Edward Walter, Stefano Battiston and Frank Schweitzer


Industrial dynamics, fiscal policy and R&D: Evidence from a computational experiment

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization - 2007

A. Russo, M. Catalano, E. Gaffeo, Mauro Gallegati and Mauro Napoletano

From production networks to geographical economics

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization - 2007

Gerard Weisbuch and Stefano Battiston

The Network of Inter-regional Direct Investment Stocks across Europe

ACS - Advances in Complex Systems - 2007

Stefano Battiston, Joao F. Rodrigues and Hamza Zeytinoglu

Coexistence of social norms based on in-and out-group interactions

ACS - Advances in Complex Systems - 2007

Patrick Groeber, Thomas Fent and Frank Schweitzer

Continuous opinion dynamics under bounded confidence: A survey

International Journal of Modern Physics C - 2007

Jan Lorenz

Credit chains and bankruptcy propagation in production networks

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control - 2007

Stefano Battiston, Domenico Delli Gatti, Mauro Gallegati, Bruce Greenwald and Joseph E. Stiglitz

How do output growth-rate distributions look like? Some cross-country, time-series evidence

The European Physical Journal B - 2007

Giorgio Fagiolo, Mauro Napoletano and Andrea Roventini

Self-organization applied to dynamic network layout

International Journal of Modern Physics C - 2007

Markus Michael Geipel

When does defection pay? The stability of institutional arrangements in clusters

Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination - 2007

Kerstin Press

Modeling vortex swarming in daphnia

Bulletin of mathematical biology - 2007

Robert Mach and Frank Schweitzer

The nature of production and organisation An N/K model of modularity, (dis)integration and performance

Appropriability, Proximity, Routines And Innovation - 2007

Kerstin Press, Markus Michael Geipel and Frank Schweitzer

Review of Biology, Sociology, Geology by Computational Physicists (Monograph Series on Nonlinear Science and Complexity)

JASSS-The Journal of artificial societes and social simulation - 2007

Frank Schweitzer and Markus Michael Geipel

Multi-agent approach to the self-organization of networks

Understanding and Managing Complex Agent-Based Dynamical Networks - 2007

Frank Schweitzer

Emergence and Evolution of Coalitions in Buyer-Seller Networks

Emergent Intelligence of Networked Agents - 2007

Frank Edward Walter, Stefano Battiston and Frank Schweitzer

Divide and conquer? The role of governance for the adaptability of industrial districts

ACS - Advances in Complex Systems - 2007

Kerstin Press

Collective decisions in multi-agent systems

Advancing Social Simulation: The First World Congress - 2007

Frank Schweitzer

Aggregate dynamics in an evolutionary network model

International Journal of Modern Physics C - 2007

Adrian M. Seufert and Frank Schweitzer

A generic framework for argumentation-based negotiation

Lecture Notes in Computer Science - 2007

Markus Michael Geipel and Gerhard Weiss


The skeleton of the Shareholders Networks

Practical Fruits of Econophysics - 2006

Guido Caldarelli, Stefano Battiston, Diego Garlaschelli and Hideki Takayasu

Modelling smooth and uneven cross-sectoral growth patterns : An identification problem

Economics Bulletin - 2006

Mauro Napoletano, Andrea Roventini and Sandro Sapio

Konkurrenz, Selektion und Innovation in oekonomischen Systemen

Irreversible Prozesse und Selbstorganisation - 2006

Frank Schweitzer and Silverberg Gerald

Impact of Trust on the Performance of a Recommendation System in a Social Network

Proceedings of the Workshop on Trust at the Fifth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS'06) - 2006

Stefano Battiston, Frank Edward Walter and Frank Schweitzer

An agent-based simulation model of age-at-marriage norms

Agent-Based Computational Modelling: Applications in Demography, Social, Economic and Environmental Sciences - 2006

Belinda Aparicio Diaz and Thomas Fent


Decomposing the change in labour force indicators over time

Demographic Research - 2005

Alexia Prskawetz, Barbara Zagaglia, Thomas Fent and Vegard Skirbekk

The scale-free topology of market investments

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications - 2005

Diego Garlaschelli, Stefano Battiston, Maurizio Castri, Vito D. P. Servedio and Guido Caldarelli

Agents with heterogeneous strategies interacting in a spatial IPD

Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems - 2005

Frank Schweitzer, Robert Mach and Heinz Muehlenbein


Ökonomische Geographie: Räumliche Selbstorganisation in der Standortverteilung

Evolution und Selbstorganisation in der Ökonomie / Evolution and Self-Organization in Economics - 1998

Frank Schweitzer