Are offline political relations established with online interactions?
A study of the validity of online political behavior to proxy offline relations.
May 31, 2021-
Systems Design Bottom Up
Two short texts for the general audience explain it ...
May 21, 2021-
Summary Documents and the Secrets they Hold -- Part 2
In our second part, we show you some interesting anomalies we found in the summary documents provided by the Swiss Parliament.
May 18, 2021-
Theory of social roles
Our paper on a novel theory of social roles in networks is now available.
May 3, 2021-
Historical Network research lunch lecture
Ramona Roller presents how to treat time in a letter correspondence network of the Reformation.
Apr 14, 2021-
Summary Documents and the Secrets they Hold -- Part 1
Find out what information can be extracted from summary documents provided by the Swiss Parliament.
Apr 13, 2021-
Where did we all go wrong?
The wisdom of crowds can fail under social influence. Two new papers ...
Apr 7, 2021-
A new data source: Records of the Swiss Parliament
A short description of the different data sources our project on the Swiss Parliament builds on.
Apr 7, 2021-
Open Position
We're looking for 1-2 student research assistants!
Apr 6, 2021-
GAMBIT: Name disambiguation for VCS
Our novel tool aimed at version control systems has been accepted at MSR 2021.
Mar 11, 2021-