Tutorial on git2net at ASONAM 2022

We will be giving a tutorial on our tool git2net at the 2022 International Conference on Social Network Analysis and Mining in Istanbul, Turkey.

Oct 31, 2022-

Open Student Project (6 weeks)

We're offering a new student research project to find evidence of linguistic divergence in political speeches as a sign of polarization.

Oct 19, 2022-

Signed relation and structural balance in complex systems - Satellite workshop of CCS 2022

Are you working on signed networks from a complexity science perspective? Submit an abstract and join our workshop.

Oct 16, 2022-

DemocraSci team: Marta Balode

After 2.5 years of working with us on DemocraSci, Marta Balode is leaving our group. Find out what she worked on during the 2.5 years and how many lines of code she wrote!

Oct 7, 2022-

All models are right, but most are useless

Frank Schweitzer gives the opening keynote at ...

Sep 26, 2022-

Agents, Networks, Evolution - free access

Frank Schweitzer's new book appears soon

Sep 26, 2022-

New open position for a Hiwi - starting September 2022

We are looking for a new HiWi staring september 2022 or on agreement.

Aug 12, 2022-

NEW COURSE: Data Science for Social Challenges

We're offering a new MA/PhD course this fall!

Aug 10, 2022-

Voting Records of the Swiss Parliament

How does the Swiss parliament report voting outcomes? Over the 130 years, voting records have been published in different styles and with varying degrees of detail, ranging from simple `angeommen` to detailed roll-call voting records.

May 27, 2022-

An adaptive voter model on hypergraphs

What are the effects of group interactions in opinion formation? Do they help or hamper the emergence of consensus?

May 13, 2022-

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