Frank Schweitzer's Talks
DemocraSci - 127 Years of the Swiss Parliament (May 20, 2019) | Swiss Federal Archives, Berne, Switzerland
DemocraSci - Greetings from the Swiss Parliament (May 13, 2019) | Project Information Day, Swiss Data Science Center, Berne, Switzerland
Quantifying social systems: From insights to impact (April 26, 2019) | Symposium “Computational Social Science - Quo Vadis?”, Department of Informatics, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Activity Matters: An Agent-based Framework of Active Matter with Applications in Biological and Social Systems (Jan. 23, 2019) | Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Bremen, Germany
Das Briefkorrespondenznetzwerk der Reformatoren (Jan. 21, 2019 - Jan. 22, 2019) | Historical letter workshop, Heidelberg
“Ich sehe was, das du nicht siehst”? - Welche Informationen kann die Netzwerkanalyse liefern? (Jan. 21, 2019) | Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Heidelberg, Germany
Data-Driven Modeling of Social and Economic Interactions (Nov. 19, 2018) | Seminar “Computational Social Science”, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Activity Matters: An Agent-based Framework of Active Matter with Applications in Biological and Social Systems (Nov. 16, 2018) | MPIDS Seminar, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen, Germany
Kooperationsnetzwerke von Firmen und von Wissenschaftlern: Was sagen die Daten, die Modelle - und die Ökonomen? (Nov. 15, 2018) | Ringvorlesung “Caring, Sharing, Cooperation”, Universität Göttingen, Germany
Doppelte Botschaften: Wie Emotionen unsere Online-Mitteilungen beeinflussen (Oct. 4, 2018) | Senioren-Universität, Universität Zurich, Switzerland
Activity Matters: Modeling complex systems beyond complex networks (invited talk) (Sept. 23, 2018 - Sept. 28, 2018) | Conference on Complex Systems - CSS 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece
Reputation, Ownership and Control (invited talk) (Sept. 12, 2018 - Sept. 14, 2018) | Econophysics Colloquium 2018, Palermo, Italy
How can we benefit from the complex network approach to economic systems? (invited talk) (Aug. 29, 2018 - Aug. 31, 2018) | Asia Pacific Econophysics Conference, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan
Activity Matters - An Agent-based Framework of Active Matter with Applications in Biological and Social Systems (Aug. 27, 2018) | Department of Physics, Hongkong University of Science and Technology, Hongkong
Quantifying Resilience of Social Organizations (June 7, 2018 - June 9, 2018) | Complexity Science Hub Workshop “Improving Resilience in Complex Systems”, Vienna, Austria
What is the productivity of research teams? (May 24, 2018) | Complexity Science Hub Conference “Complexity - Where do we go from here?” Vienna, Austria
The rise and fall of firm collaborations - Insights from a large-scale analysis of R&D networks (March 29, 2018) | Data-Driven Innovation Lab, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
Quantifying resilience of social organizations (March 26, 2018) | FRS Lunch Talk, Singapore-ETH-Centre, CREATE, Singapore
Kollektive Dynamik in Sozialen Systemen: Netzwerke, Emotionen und Big Data (plenary talk) (March 11, 2018 - March 16, 2018) | DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Berlin, Germany
Precursors of conflict: Measuring polarization (Jan. 26, 2018) | 6th Risk Center Dialogue Event: Big data, big promises: The next generation of conflict forecasting, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Spreading influence in social networks: From link-centric to node-centric models (keynote) (Nov. 29, 2017 - Dec. 1, 2017) | 6th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, Lyon, France
Quantifying resilience of social organizations (Nov. 14, 2017) | ETH Risk Center Seminar Series, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
The rise and fall of firm collaborations - Insights from a large-scale analysis of R&D networks (March 20, 2017) | Department of Economics, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan
The rise and fall of firm collaborations - Insights from a large-scale analysis of R&D networks (March 16, 2017) | Departmental Research Seminar, Department of Management and Marketing & Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Spreading influence in social networks: From link-centric to node-centric models (March 15, 2017) | Workshop on Complex and Social Networks, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
Spreading influence in social networks: From link-centric to node-centric models (March 14, 2017) | Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
How can we benefit from the complex network approach to socio-economic systems? (March 10, 2017) | Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University), Agra, India
How can we benefit from the complex network approach to socio-economic systems? (March 6, 2017) | Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
Ökonophysik - Perspektiven einer konfliktreichen Beziehung (Jan. 25, 2017) | Bad Honnefer Industriegespräche, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany
Resilience of Social Organizations (Dec. 11, 2016 - Dec. 13, 2016) | Workshop “Social Network Analysis: Law, Institutions and Transnational Governance”, Tel Aviv, Israel
Mastering the Challenges of our Digital Society (Nov. 4, 2016) | Risk Center Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland
The collaboration network of Werner Ebeling (Oct. 21, 2016) | BCS CCS Colloquium “Irreversible Processes and Self-Organization”, Berlin, Germany
Modellierung sozio-ökonomischer Systeme (Oct. 1, 2016) | Tagung “Ordnung im Chaos - Physik komplexer Systeme”, Ebermannstadt, Germany
Modeling emotional agents: Data, Interaction, Simulation (Sept. 19, 2016 - Sept. 23, 2016) | Invited talk at Social Simulation Conference, Rome, Italy
Resilience of social organizations, Visions for Complexity (May 23, 2016) | Opening conference of the Complexity Science Hub, Vienna, Austria
Engineering social systems: Networks, control and big data (April 21, 2016 - April 22, 2016) | CESUN Europe Event “Comprehensive Engineering: Systems and Social Science - Humanities - Big data - Complexity”, Delft, Netherlands
With a little help from your friends: The impact of social networks on publication success (March 8, 2016 - March 11, 2016) | PEERE Meeting on “Taking stock of peer review” and 2nd Workshop on Simulating the Social Processes of Science (SSPOS II), Valencia, Spain
A multi-layer network perspective on systemic risk (Jan. 28, 2016 - Jan. 29, 2016) | Macro Financial Modeling Winter 2016 Meeting, NYU Stern School of Business, New York, NY, USA
(Re)constructing economic networks: What is missing in big data? (Nov. 23, 2015) | Workshop “Complexity and Big Data in Finance”, Delft Data Science, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Let’s TWEET about Bitcoin: How social signals drive the Bitcoin price (Nov. 18, 2015) | ETH Alumni Math Phys Lecture 2015: “Bitcoin - flip oder flop?”, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Systemic risks for privacy in online interaction (Nov. 2, 2015) | ETH Risk Center Partnership Council, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Networks at work: The systemic feedback on scientific quality (Nov. 1, 2015 - Nov. 2, 2015) | 2nd Workshop “Governance of Science: The (Mis-)Measurement of Scientific Quality”, Hannover, Germany
Networks at work: The systemic feedback on scientific quality (Oct. 7, 2015 - Oct. 9, 2015) | Conference From Data to Knowledge, Mons, Belgium
How can we benefit from the complex network approach to economic systems? (Sept. 17, 2015 - Sept. 19, 2015) | EAEPE - European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, Annual Conference, Genoa, Italy
Agent-based modeling of R&D networks: Simulation, calibration, validation (Sept. 14, 2015 - Sept. 16, 2015) | Econophysics Colloquium 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
Predicting scientific success based on coauthorship networks (June 2, 2015) | Satellite Workshop “Dynamics on and of Complex Networks VIII”, NetSci 2015, Zaragoza, Spain
The rise and fall of collaborations - Insights from a large-scale analysis of R& D networks (June 1, 2015 - June 5, 2015) | International School and Conference on Network Science (NetSci 2015), Zaragoza, Spain
Stability, adaptation and control - An application to complex social networks (May 26, 2015) | Physikalisches Kolloquium, University of Konstanz, Germany
Agent-based modeling of collaboration networks: How models meet data (May 21, 2015 - May 23, 2015) | “20th Annual Workshop on the Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents” (WEHIA) Sophia Antipolis, France
Activity Matters: Mobility, Communication, Collective Emotions (May 20, 2015 - May 22, 2015) | CECAM Workshop “Collective dynamics in physics, biology and social sciences” University College Dublin, Ireland
Resilience of Social Organizations - Measures, Models, Mechanisms (May 12, 2015) | ETH Risk Center Seminar Series, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
The limits to scaling - and how to get beyond (May 8, 2015 - May 9, 2015) | Symposium “Too big to scale”, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Zurich, Switzerland
Science is done by people (April 21, 2015 - April 22, 2015) | Workshop “The peer review past, present and future”, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Predicting systemic risk in complex networks (March 25, 2015) | School of Reliability and Systems Engineering, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Beihang University), Beijing, China
Predicting success in collaboration networks (March 24, 2015) | Department of Systems Science, School of Management, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
Modeling emotional agents: Data, Interaction, Simulation (Feb. 4, 2015) | School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Predicting systemic risk - Cascading processes in complex networks (Feb. 3, 2015) | Department of Mathematics, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Modeling emotional agents: Data, Interaction, Simulation (Dec. 1, 2014) | GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften Köln
How we collaborate - A complex network approach (Nov. 24, 2014 - Nov. 26, 2014) | Second Annual KnowEscape Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece
Introduction to systems thinking and dynamics (Oct. 2, 2014) | The Club of Rome, Impact Hub Zürich
How we collaborate - A complex network approach (June 4, 2014) | International School and Conference on Network Science (NetSci 2014), Berkeley, California CA, USA
Beyond aggregated networks - What we got wrong and will have to get right (June 3, 2014) | Satellite Workshop: Higher-Order Models in Network Science, NetSci 2014, Berkeley CA, USA
Analysing temporal bipartite social networks (June 2, 2014) | Satellite Workshop: Multiple Network Modeling, Analysis and Mining, NetSci 2014, Berkeley CA, USA
Modeling user behavior in online social network (May 27, 2014) | AI Seminar, Information Science Institute, University of Southern California, Marina del Rey CA, USA
Success and failure - A complex network approach (May 9, 2014) | Institute for Theoretical Physics, Wroclaw University, Wroclaw, Poland
Beyond simulating science - What do we learn from data? And how do we verify our models? (April 7, 2014) | Lorentz Centre Workshop Simulating the Social Processes of Science, Leiden, The Netherlands
Predicting systemic risk - Cascading processes in complex networks (March 21, 2014) | Physikalisches Kolloquium, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Making better use of online media for marketing - Collective emotions and social influence in product reviews (March 19, 2014) | Seminar: IT for Marketing Management, Zurich, Switzerland
Utilizing Social Influence: Empirics and Modeling (Dec. 6, 2013) | Research Seminar, Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm, Sweden
Selbstorganisation und Evolution im Spiegel von Faust II (Nov. 28, 2013) | Forschungskolloquium, Collegium Helveticum, Zurich, Switzerland
The rise and fall of collaborations: Insights from a large-scale analysis of R&D networks (Nov. 18, 2013 - Nov. 19, 2013) | ESHIA Winter Workshop, Nanyang TEchnological University, Singapore
The rise and fall of collaborations: Insights from a large-scale analysis of R&D networks (Nov. 14, 2013) | KAIST Globar Seminar, Department of Management Science, Korean Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (KAIST), Deajeon, Korea
Cascading process in complex networks: From systemic risk in banking networks to the collapse of Friendster (Nov. 13, 2013) | Colloquium talk, Physics Department, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, Korea
Cascading process in complex networks: From systemic risk in banking networks to the collapse of Friendster (Nov. 11, 2013) | Physics Department, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Success and Failure: A Complex Network Perspective, Complexity Forum, Centre of Complexity Science} (Oct. 23, 2013) | University of Warwick, UK
Merging the Known and the Unknown - The Concept of Brownian Agents, Conference “Probabilistic Modeling in Science and Philosophy” (Oct. 12, 2013 - Oct. 12, 2013) | Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern, Switzerland
Success and Failure: A Complex Network Approach (Sept. 13, 2013 - Sept. 15, 2013) | 2013 Chinese Conference ‘Complex Networks’, HangZhou, China
Predicting Success (June 28, 2013) | ISI Torino/CRT Foundation, Torino, Italy
Doppelte Botschaften - Wie Emotionen unsere Online-Mitteilungen beeinflussen (April 14, 2013) | Treffpunkt Science City: Kommunikation - Zeichen, Sprachen, Botschaften, Zurich, Switzerland
Modeling Systemic Risk (April 9, 2013) | Workshop on Complexity Models for Systemic Instabilities and Crises , Leiden, Netherlands
Collective Dynamics in Cyberspace: Chaos or Order? (Jan. 9, 2013) | Physikalisches Kolloquium, University of Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany
Model validation for multilevel economic networks (Nov. 19, 2012) | Foundational Research on Multilevel Complex Networks and Systems (MULTIPLEX) Kickoff Meeting, Lucca, Italy
Systemic Risk in Economic and Financial Networks (July 11, 2012 - July 13, 2012) | COST MP0801 Annual Meeting, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Can we design social herding to enhance cooperation? (July 2, 2012 - July 4, 2012) | Workshop on Agent-Based Models and Complex Techno-Social Systems, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
The next level of modeling social interaction: How to detect, quantify and utilize emotional influence (June 5, 2012) | Aalto Complexity Networks Factory, Sannäs, Finland
Systemic Risk in Economic and Financial Networks (June 5, 2012) | Aalto Systems Forum, Aalto School of Economics, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland
Systemic risk (April 24, 2012) | ETH Risk Center Seminar Series, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
The Wisdom of Crowds Effect at Work: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (March 25, 2012 - March 30, 2012) | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany
Response to social norms enhancement by heterogeneous populations (March 25, 2012 - March 30, 2012) | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany
When it pays off to pay tax: Insights from coupled multiplicative stochastic processes (March 25, 2012 - March 30, 2012) | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany
Sociophysics models of emotions in blog debates, newsgroups, and MySpace discussions (March 16, 2012) | Review Meeting “Cyberemotions”, Brussels, Belgium
The surprising power of social influence in the digital age (Dec. 1, 2011) | U.S.-Swiss Dialogue, NYU Stern School of Business, New York University, New York NY, USA
Our Friends, our beliefs, our emotions: How computational social science reads our digital traces (Nov. 29, 2011) | ETH Alumni NEC & Swissnex, Boston MA, USA
The next level of modeling social interaction: How to detect, quantify and utilize emotional influence (Nov. 22, 2011) | Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems Seminar, MIT, Cambridge MA, USA
Collective Emotions on the Internet - How to quantify and model emotional influence (Nov. 18, 2011) | The School of Informatics and Computing Colloquium Series, Indiana University, Bloomington IL, USA
Systemic risk in economic and financial networks (Nov. 17, 2011) | School of Industrial Engineering Seminar, Purdue University, West Lafayette IN, USA
The next level of modeling social interaction: How to detect, quantify and utilize emotional influence (Nov. 16, 2011) | Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems Seminars, Northwestern University, Evanston IL, USA
Systemic risk in economic and financial networks (Oct. 21, 2011) | Special Seminar, Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, MIT, Cambridge MA, USA
The next level of modeling social interaction: How to detect, quantify and utilize emotional influence (Oct. 17, 2011) | Center for Complex Network Research & Barabasi Lab Seminar, Northeastern University, Boston MA, USA
Open source software as a complex network (Oct. 4, 2011) | Center for the Study of Complex Systems Seminar Series, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI, USA
SocioAware Agents – Better Agents? (Oct. 3, 2011 - Oct. 7, 2011) | Distinguished Lecture, 1st International Workshop on Socio-Aware Networked Computing Systems, 5th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems, Ann Arbor MI, USA
Open source software as a complex network (Aug. 11, 2011) | Division of Computer Science, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Systemic risk in economic networks (Aug. 4, 2011 - Aug. 6, 2011) | Singapore Economic Review Conference, Singapore
The risk to fail (June 20, 2011 - June 23, 2011) | International Workshop ‘Coping with Crises in Complex Socio-Economic Systems’, Zurich, Switzerland
An Agent-based Model of Collective Emotions in Online Communities (May 3, 2011) | Department of Biological Physics, Eötvös Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary
Sociophysics models of collective emotions in online communities (March 21, 2011) | Review Meeting “Cyberemotions”, Brussels, Belgium
Collective Dynamics of Firms: A Statistical Physics Approach, Tutorial (March 13, 2011 - March 18, 2011) | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) Annual Conference, Dresden, Germany
An Agent-Based Model of Collective Emotions in Online Communities (March 13, 2011 - March 18, 2011) | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) Annual Conference, Dresden, Germany
Systemic Risk in Economic Networks (Dec. 8, 2010 - Dec. 10, 2010) | ESF SCSS Exploratory Workshop: Information and Behaviour in Networks, Oxford, UK
Public Lecture: Complex Networks (Nov. 26, 2010) | Department of Physics, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Modeling Collective Emotions: A Stochastic Approach Based on Brownian Agents (Nov. 26, 2010 - Nov. 28, 2010) | COST MP0801 Workshop “Complex Stochastic Dynamics”, Vienna, Austria
Modeling Collective Emotions in Online Communities (Nov. 9, 2010) | CCSS Seminar “Modeling Complex Socio-Economic Systems and Crises”, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Research on Systemic Risk: Contributions of ETH Zurich to FOC (Oct. 12, 2010 - Oct. 13, 2010) | FOC Kickoff Meeting, Rome, Italy
Special Lectures: Collective Dynamics of Firms (Oct. 4, 2010) | Graduate School of System Design and Management, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
The Hidden Complexity of Open Source Software (Sept. 30, 2010) | Business School, University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China
Brownian Motion Scaled Up: Einstein’s Theory and the Collective Dynamics of Brownian Agents (Sept. 29, 2010) | The Nobel Lectures at the ‘Albert Einstein’ Exhibition, China Science and Technology Museum No 5, Beijing, China
Personalized and Dynamic Trust in Social Networks (June 29, 2010 - July 4, 2010) | Sunbelt XXX Social Networks Conference, Riva del Garda, Italy
Open Source Software as a Complex Network (May 26, 2010 - May 28, 2010) | COST MP 0801 Second Annual Meeting, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria
Open Source Software: Networks of Social and Functional Dependencies (May 10, 2010 - May 14, 2010) | The International Workshop and Conference on Network Science (NetSci) School and Conference, Boston, USA
The hidden complexity of open source software (March 21, 2010 - March 26, 2010) | Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) conference, Regensburg, Germany
OSS Projects - Software Structure, Dynamics, Communivation (March 14, 2010 - March 19, 2010) | Workshop Mining Software Archives, Ascona, Switzerland
Economic Networks: Micro and Macro Perspectives (March 8, 2010) | Interdisciplinary Colloquium, Jacobs University Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Modeling Collective Emotions in Cyberspace (Jan. 21, 2010 - Jan. 23, 2010) | Project Workshop Cyberemotions, Wolverhampton, UK
Modeling collective interactions in social systems (Nov. 30, 2009) | Workshop ‘Simulating Complex Organizations’, Center for Advanced Studies, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich, Munich, Germany
Predicting Systemic Risk: The role of contagion and cascades (Nov. 4, 2009 - Nov. 7, 2009) | 9th Asia-Pacific Complex Systems Conference Complex'09, Tokyo, Japan
Economic Networks: Mirco and Macro Perspectives (Sept. 28, 2009 - Sept. 30, 2009) | Symposium: Fraontiers in Network Science, Berlin, Germany
Mechanismus of systemic risk: Contagion, reinforcement, redistribution (Aug. 31, 2009 - Sept. 12, 2009) | Conference: Complexity, Mathematics and Socio-Economic Problems, Bielefeld, Germany
Economic Networks: Micro and Macro Perspectives (June 29, 2009 - July 3, 2009) | The International Workshop and Conference on Network Science (NetSci), Venice, Italy
Mechanisms of Systemic Risk: Contagion, Reinforcement, Redistribution (May 28, 2009 - May 30, 2009) | NET 2009: Evolution of Complexity & COST MP0801 Meeting, Rome, Italy
Mechanisms of Systemic Risk: Contagion, Reinforcement, Redistribution (Feb. 23, 2009 - Feb. 25, 2009) | Complex’2009 - The First International Conference on Complex Sciences: Theory and Applications, Shanghai, China
Modeling Collective Interactions in Social Systems (Feb. 12, 2009 - Feb. 14, 2009) | Cyberemotions Kickoff Meeting, Warsaw, Poland
Nonlinear Voter Models: The Transition from Invasion to Coexistence (Dec. 1, 2008 - Dec. 5, 2008) | XVI Conference on Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Nonlinear Physics (MEDYFINOL'08), Punta del Este, Uruguay
Dynamics of Economic Networks (Nov. 25, 2008 - Nov. 29, 2008) | Conference: Physics Applied to Economics and Social Sciences (PAESS'08), Porto Alegre, Brazil
Evolving social networks: The influence of costs benefits, and preferences (Sept. 12, 2008 - Sept. 13, 2008) | 5th Conference on Applications of Social Network Analysis (ASNA), Zurich, Switzerland
Collective Dynamics of Companies - A Complex Systems Perspective, Part 1: Models of Company Growth (Aug. 30, 2008 - Sept. 8, 2008) | Summer School: Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Large-Scale Complex Systems, Ambleside, UK
Collective Dynamics of Companies - A Complex Systems Perspective, Part 2: Models of Company Interaction (Aug. 30, 2008 - Sept. 8, 2008) | Summer School: Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Large-Scale Complex Systems, Ambleside, UK
The costs of interaction - and how they shape the social network (Aug. 18, 2008 - Aug. 23, 2008) | International Workshop on Challenges and Visions in the Social Sciences, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Modellierung komplexer Systeme - Von der Physik zu den Sozialwissenschaften (May 13, 2008) | Senioren-Universität Zürich, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Decelerating microdynamics accelerates macrodynamics in the voter model, Section Dynamics and Statistical Physics (DY) (Feb. 26, 2008) | February meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), Berlin, Germany
Enforcing consensus formation by heterogeneous inertia to change opinion (Feb. 25, 2008) | Annual Conference Physics of Socio-Economic Systems (AKSOE), February meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), Berlin, Germany
Efficiency and Stability of Dynamic Innovation Networks (Feb. 25, 2008) | Annual Conference Physics of Socio-Economic Systems (AKSOE), February meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), Berlin, Germany
Evolution of economic networks, 401 (Jan. 21, 2008 - Jan. 23, 2008) | WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Bad Honnef, Germany
Enhancing social interaction: preferences, similarities, and trust (Jan. 9, 2008 - Jan. 12, 2008) | Workshop on “Is there a Physics of Society?”, Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe NM, USA
Designing Social Interactions Based on Trust and Reputation (Nov. 27, 2007) | Colloquium ‘Selected Challenges in the Social Sciences: Modeling and Simulation Approaches’, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Gibt es eine Physik sozio-ökonomischer Systeme? (Nov. 12, 2007) | Physikalisches Kolloquium, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
Models of Firm Networks (Oct. 4, 2007) | Satellite Workshop: “Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks”, European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS), Dresden, Germany
Efficiency and Stability of Evolving Innovation Networks (Oct. 1, 2007 - Oct. 3, 2007) | European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS), Dresden, Germany
Empirics and Models of Firm Networks (Sept. 27, 2007 - Sept. 29, 2007) | Econophysics Colloquium and Beyond, Ancona, Italy
Emergence of social norms from collective agent interaction (Sept. 6, 2007 - Sept. 8, 2007) | International Conference on Rational Choice and Social Institutions, Zurich, Switzerland
Physics in social sciences (Aug. 24, 2007) | 6th PSI Summer School on Condensed Matter Research, Zuoz, Switzerland
Gibt es Gesetzmässigkeiten für komplexe Systeme? - Ein Blick auf sozio-ökonomische Beispiele, öffentliche Vortragsreihe: Komplexe technische Systeme (June 6, 2007) | ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Modeling Economic Networks Theoretical Physics Seminar (April 30, 2007) | University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland
Applying directed weighted networks to recommendation systems, Section Dynamics and Statistical Physics (DY) (March 26, 2007 - March 30, 2007) | March meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), Regensburg, Germany
A Trust-based recommendation system on a social network (March 26, 2007 - March 30, 2007) | Annual Conference Physics of Socio-Economic Systems (AKSOE), March meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), Regensburg, Germany
Sociophysics – Science or Fiction? (Feb. 3, 2007 - Feb. 8, 2007) | Edgar-Lüscher-Seminar, Klosters, Switzerland
Empirics and Models of Firm Networks (Jan. 29, 2007) | CER-ETH Economics Research Seminar, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Modeling of socio-economic systems: A new branch of physics? (Dec. 11, 2006) | Lise-Meitner Colloquium, Hahn-Meitner Institute, Berlin, Germany
The Role of Local Effects in Collective Decision Processes (Nov. 20, 2006 - Nov. 23, 2006) | Toyota CRDL Workshop “Decision Making and Uncertainty in Nonlinear Complex Systems”, Copenhagen, Denmark
The Role of Heterogeneity in Collective Decision Processes (Sept. 28, 2006 - Sept. 29, 2006) | Satellite Workshop: Complex Adaptive Systems and Interacting Agents (CASIA), European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS), Oxford, UK
Impact of Trust on the Performance of a Recommendation System in a Social Network (Sept. 25, 2006 - Sept. 27, 2006) | European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS), Oxford, UK
Übergang zur Kooperation, Ehrenkolloquium “Physik der Selbstorganisation” (Sept. 15, 2006) | Institut für Physik, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany
Dynamik und Steuerbarkeit komplexer Systeme (Aug. 24, 2006 - Aug. 26, 2006) | Plenum “Konvergenz und Komplexität in Wissenschaft und Technologie”, Alpbacher Technologiegespräche, Alpbach, Austria
Collective Decisions in Mulit-Agent Systems (Aug. 21, 2006 - Aug. 25, 2006) | First World Congress on Social Simulation, Kyoto, Japan
Network Models of Cooperation (Aug. 19, 2006) | 2st-Century Center of Excellence Program “Creation of agent-based social systems sciences”, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
Modeling Complex Systems: On the Uses and Disadvantages of Selforganization (June 28, 2006) | Colloquium ``What is Design? What is Modeling?’’, ETH Competence Center for Digital Design & Modeling, Zurich, Switzerland
Coalition Formation in Buyer-Seller Networks (May 18, 2006 - May 20, 2006) | onference Complex Behavior in Economics: Modeling,Computing and Mastering Complexity, Aix-en-Provence, France
Distribution of Strategies in a Spatial Multi-Agent Game (May 9, 2006) | 8th International Workshop on Game Theoretic and Decision Theoretic Agents (GTDT) at the Fifth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), Hakodate, Japan
Emergence and Evolution of Coalitions in Buyer-Seller Networks (May 8, 2006) | Workshop “Emergent Intelligence of Networked Agents” (WEIN'06) at the Fifth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), Hakodate, Japan
Self-Organization and Collective Decision Making in Animal and Human Societies (March 31, 2006) | Symposium Structure Formation and Self-Organization in non-equilibrium Systems, March meeting of the German Physical Society (DPG), Dresden, Germany
Modeling of socio-economic systems: A new branch of physics? (March 23, 2006) | Colloquium, Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme, Magdeburg, Germany
Swarming of Brownian Agents (Jan. 10, 2006) | Cognitive Science Brown Bag Lectures, Department of Informatics, University of Zurich, Zuirch, Switzerland
Emergent Properties (Nov. 28, 2005 - Nov. 29, 2005) | Workshop “Emergent Properties in Social Processes”, Vienna, Austria
Einführungsvorlesung: Einfach zu komplex? Die Eigendynamik von Systemen verstehen (Oct. 31, 2005) | ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
Von der Brownschen Bewegung zur Dynamik biologischer und sozialer Gruppen (Sept. 28, 2005) | “Einstein Lectures’’ der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Austria
Dynamics of Companies (Sept. 18, 2005 - Sept. 24, 2005) | DPG-School on Physics “Dynamics of Socio-Economic Systems: A Physics Perspective’’, Bad Honnef, Germany
Urban Structure Formation (Sept. 18, 2005 - Sept. 24, 2005) | DPG-School on Physics “Dynamics of Socio-Economic Systems: A Physics Perspective’’, Bad Honnef, Germany
Multiplicative Models of Company Dynamics (Aug. 29, 2005 - Aug. 31, 2005) | 2nd Sino-German Evolutionary Workshop, Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung von Wirtschaftsystemen, Jena, Germany
Local Interactions do Matter: Sometimes the Minority wins (June 6, 2005) | Trans-Atlantic Initiative on Complex Organizations and Networks (TAICON), ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Swarming of Brownian Agents (May 29, 2005) | Symposium “Brownian Motion, an Interdisciplinary Phenomenon’’, Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society, Wien, Austria
Multiplicative Models for Company Dynamics (March 4, 2005 - March 9, 2005) | DPG-Jahrestagung “Physik seit Einstein’’, Berlin, Germany
Selbstorganisation und Emergenz aus physikalischer Sicht (Feb. 13, 2005 - Feb. 15, 2005) | Workshop Organic Computing, Kloster Irsee, Germany
Selforganization in Multi-Agent Systems: Local Interaction versus Global Dynamics (Jan. 24, 2005) | Forschungsseminar Quantitative Methoden in der Ökonomie, Universität Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland